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Numerous inspections

Numerous inspections are carried out daily at the Vion companies by both the inspection services and our own quality department. The results are continuously saved. On this website, Vion publishes the results as a graphical summary or as original copies. Here you will find the inspection results per quarter in graphs. Vion uses three different inspections: live inspection, meat inspection (food safety) and organ conditions. The explanations for each graph provide background information.

The audit reports of the German veterinary authorities and the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) and the reports on process and product comments can be found on the location pages.

Inspection results pigs

All pigs at the abattoir are individually inspected by trained veterinarians from public authorities. Only healthy animals may be slaughtered and the welfare of all animals is safeguarded. After being slaughtered, the carcasses and organs are inspected by inspectors and veterinarians from public authorities. Only meat and organs that are absolutely safe for human consumption are approved and allowed for further processing. Finally, 0,5% of all slaughtered pigs undergo an official examination for antibiotic or other prohibited drug residues and substances.

Inspection results pigs

Inspection results cattle

When the cattle arrive at the slaughterhouse, each animal is individually inspected by trained veterinarians from public authorities. Only healthy animals may be slaughtered and the welfare of all animals is safeguarded. After being slaughtered, the carcasses and organs are inspected by inspectors and veterinarians from public authorities. Only meat and organs that are absolutely safe for human consumption are approved and allowed for further processing. Finally, 0,5% of all slaughtered cattle undergo an official examination for antibiotics and every 250th cattle slaughtered is examined for other prohibited drug residues and substances.

Inspection results cattle

Inspection reports per location

On the web pages of each location you will find the certificates, audit reports, process and product remarks of that location. In addition, most German location pages also provide information on the origin of the animals.

Inspection results per location


Vion’s quality system is based on legislation. All Vion branches are ISO 9001 certified. The food safety standards used within Vion are: British Retail Consortium (BRC) or the International Featured Food Standards (IFS Food). A branch can expand this with other quality systems, such as Integrated Chain Management (IKB), Qualität und Sicherheit (QS), Beter Leven hallmark (BLK) and organic. The NVWA assesses the legislation.

ISO – International Organisation for Standardisation: Vion implements the DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 as quality management system. The cornerstones of this standard are: customer satisfaction, continuous improvement of the production processes and products, and a risk-based approach.

For more information, go to www.iso.org. 

The BRC Food (Worldwide Food Safety Standard) and IFS Food (International Featured Standards Food) standards have been developed to specify food safety by means of quality-related and operational criteria. All Vion production companies have implemented the BRC and/or IFS standard and are certified under these standards. In this way, Vion guarantees a uniform quality standard in all production companies, based on a reliable test system. The BRC Food and IFS Food are standards for food-processing companies. Both standards include the following themes: 

  • Commitment of senior management/corporate responsibility 
  • An HACCP plan 
  • A quality-oriented management system 
  • Conditional programmes 
  • Measurements, analyses, improvements 

For more information about IFS Food, the requirements and the assessment criteria, go to www.ifs-certification.com. For more information about BRC Food, the requirements and the assessment criteria, go to www.brcglobalstandards.com.   

IKB Pork has been developed as a benchmark for the responsible production of pork. Spearheads are quality, animal welfare and food safety.

For more information, go to www.ikbvarken.nl. 

QS (Qualität und Sicherheit, or Quality and Safety) is a quality system for meat and meat products in Germany. From food producers and livestock farmers to retail – all steps in the production process are regularly inspected by independent certifying bodies.

For more information, go to www.q-s.de/en/.  

Vion markets meat from animals reared in companies that implement the animal welfare standards of the Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals. These standards are determined for individual animal species and relate, among other things, to more living space and extra play material. All companies in the chain are checked and certified to guarantee that meat with the BLK logo in supermarkets actually comes from animals reared in a BLK company.

For more information, go to www.beterleven.dierenbescherming.nl/english . 

Vion markets organic meat that meets the criteria of EC Regulation EC 1804/1999. This regulation contains the requirements for livestock farmers (including animal welfare and feed requirements), farmers (for the production of animal feed and plant-based ingredients for finished products) and all processors in the chain. These requirements are checked by an independent certifying body. In the Netherlands, this is SKAL. You can find the certificates and audit reports on the pages of the individual Vion locations, in so far they are bio-certified. 

GQ-Bayern makes additional requirements of product quality and defines clear conditions for production and handling, all of which are monitored for compliance by authorised, private certification bodies under government supervision.

For more information go to www.gq-bayern.de

Thanks to this voluntary label, consumers can see at a glance where a product’s main ingredients come from and where they have been processed. The Regionalfenster thus makes it easier to recognize and consciously purchase regional products.

For more information go to www.regionalfenster.de

The two-tier animal welfare label “Für Mehr Tierschutz” (For More Animal Welfare) identifies products that are subject to strict requirements backed by a comprehensive animal welfare label system. It covers the entire chain from husbandry to processing.

For more information go to www.tierschutzlabel.info